
Does a scorpio like.......?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike be treated like they treat others?? Say a scorpio guy keeps ignoring you, keeps being distant etc...I know it's part of their personality...but would they like to be treated the exact same way? If they got treated the exact same way...would they realise that they are simply being paid back, or would they be hurt by this?

Help needed as I don't know how to behave around him anymore....





    Sorry! LOL! just finally someone feels the way I did!

    It was soooo bad. I was oh so confused on what to do. I didn't know how to act around him anymore. I didn't know whether to speak when I saw him, or just ignore him.

    Eventually, I just started ignoring him. And when I don't say anything, he doesn't, but he finally gets over it and starts talking/flirting/etc.

    But be careful, because he'll probably say something like "Oh, don't try to ignore me now." or "Don't deny my hugs now," or something like that.

    I had to tell my guy to just get over himself.

    And i'm going to continue to ignore him as well. of course for the simple fact that his ego doesn't  need anymore stroking,  that  I don't feel it fair for him to play with my emotions like he just knew he was, and other [private] reasons.

  2. mine does the same thing... when i really cant take it no more (im having a bad day) i usually decide to ignore him and move on, when he finds out about it he blows my phone up like a crazy jealous madman.

    its true they can dish it but can not take it, however be aware that scorpios may be unpredictable, but one things is a given, if they feel disrespected expect whatever they felt wronged by in ten fold.

    i heard something before about scorpio that makes so much sense... they are masters in the art of love but will not give their love out without MANY long and intense tests because once they do they are stuck because they give them selfs fully, and during the midst of these tests they make all the rules and secretly change them on you... but if you can withstand the tests and show him that you are capable of not only adapting but also being there no matter what mood he is in, then they know you can handle them and you will have their heart. some take muuuuuuch longer than others before they can let go with you ESPECIALLY if they have been hurt before.

    just be patient with your scorpio and if all else fails just follow suit with him, do what he does, just dont forget to through in a friendly hello every once in awhile even if you are being ignored trust me it does matter to him, they fall for someone who is single minded when it comes to loving them, they love to be loved and looooove to be adored.

    if this doesnt sound like a fair game to you, its cause its not... hey scorpios are not for everyone. if you are fed up move on to a safer guy who can be that stable, endlessly calling, generic complementing, predictable, inevitable missionary position s*x man who can bore the daylights out of you and give you some free time to think about the exciting scorpio who got away...

  3. i would say we do ..

  4. if this happens, its usually a kick in the mouth to them

  5. if you dont talk to him as payback, he might call back to see whats up with you ignoring him and start being loyal to you again.

  6. Well being a scorpio woman, I would know that it was pay back. Because we pay attention to every detail(well i do). Its better if you just come clean and say whats bothering you. That would show you care more than anything

  7. Be nice to them always.  As most of scorpions have inferiority problem.  Make them realize that they are very special for you and are necessary for your life.  Always do something senti. Then they will also treat you nicely.  Otherwise if u don’t do so, they will make a distance from you.

  8. just be yourself.. i think that they want to be treated nicely even though they dont have respect for others.. some of them dont care.. good luck, BE YOURSELF.. and everything is going to be just fine. and dump that person, thats not a friend, and theres no way i person should treat you like that. it dont matter about their HOROSCOPE...

  9. do not play games with a scorpio.

    they see right through it and become even more disengaged and impressed with you.

  10. I don't think so.  He probably feels he should be treated like a GOD!!!  They are very passionate and emotional, and tend to be very loyal - family, good friends, etc.  But - if you cross him, look out, because he will never forget.  

    I hope you are an earth sign (like Capricorn) as they get along better with Scorpios.  Be the calm rock he can depend on in the storm that always surrounds his life.  He will learn to trust and respect you, and will always come back.

  11. This is gonna sound bad, but as a Scorpio, I admit I can be unfair.  I make fun of my friends/loved ones all the time, but if they tried to do the same to me (depending on the comment) I get super sensitive about it.  I get bossy, but can't be bossed around. I get possessive, but can't be possessed.  

    When I ignore and get distant, it's probably cause the person rejected or hurt me in some way.  Sometimes, over something little, but somehow it hurt my sensitive feelings.  Try to think if you made some kind of comment recently or he caught you doing something he might have not liked?? Think hard about it.

    I'll give you an example.  Before I started dating this one guy (he's a Cancer btw) there was one day when he seemed upset and he said he was upset cause this one girl he kind of liked was moving away and he was bummed.  Of course this hurt my feelings cause I thought he liked ME and I like him.  There really wasn't anything I could say but my natural reaction was to start ignoring, giving him that silent treatment without telling him what's bothering me.  He always finds a way to soften me up though when I get upset like that.  He usually starts reassuring me, trying to cheer me up and lets me know in sweet little ways that he cares.  In my case, he makes me drawings.  So you just need to show him you care and have some patience.

    Good luck.

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