
Does a sleepwalker have a higher probability of a paranormal experience because they are in an altered state?

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Does a sleepwalker have a higher probability of a paranormal experience because they are in an altered state?




  1. OMG, I hope not...the last time I sleepwalked I left the house and drove somewhere.

  2. This is an interesting question and I'm not sure any research has been done of this issue. Most of the research is on sleep paralysis (where Wushuboy correctly points out explains some experiences). However, sleep walking is the failing of sleep paralysis (a natural protective mechanism to prevent harm during sleep). I would speculate that because a person is still fully asleep and not in a hypnogogic or hypnopompic state (between asleep and awake) that at least while they were sleep walking they would have a lower chance of any paranormal experiences taking place.

    However, if they tend to wake up while sleep walking then the same (hypnogogic or hypnopompic) hallucinations could certainly occur but this would not be attributed to the sleep walking.


  3. I think sleepwalkers have higher probability of becoming astral travelers, but they feel more comfortable inside their own bodies.

  4. absolutely not, the one has nothing to do with the ur research

  5. No,one is a known experience.The other unproven,and probably non-existent.Sleepwalkers do have a higher probability of injury such as stubbed toes and bumped heads.

  6. No.

  7. I think that sleepwalkers and anyone with a sleeping disorder has a higher probability of experiencing phenomena that they believe is paranormal.

    A great deal of paranormal experiences can be attributed to sleep paralysis and various sleeping related hallucinations. Anyone with a sleeping disorder will have these hallucinations on a regular basis.

    Because sleeping disorders are not always so obvious and they are not so well known, many people go years, or even thier whole life not knowing they have one and attribute the hallucinations to paranormal phenomena.

  8. I would say no

    i constantly sleep walk

    but i stopped experiencing anything that could possibly count as paranormal when i started school


  9. Ive never slept walked...but since i was young, ive always astralled....Happened a couple of nights ago, i was asleep, when i suddenly found myself standing infront of my mum and sister while they sat down and were watching tv...they were looking straight through me, they couldnt see me, i was trying with all my might to call out to them...but nothing would come out, cut a long story short, i went back to my bed and woke myself up...went back out to them, and sure enough they were still sitting there watching tv, this time they saw

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