
Does a small p***s effect a relationship?

by Guest33237  |  earlier

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dos having a small p***s effect how a girl feels about you, i have a girlfriend of 5 years and a child with her i just feel a bit down about it




  1. lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol. silly if she's with you she likes you every part

  2. I can't relate. i-OHHHH!

  3. must not be that small

    does she blush or laugh when you whip it out

  4. Yes. It does, regardless of what a woman says.

    Are you sure it's your child?

  5. Ok, I know this one.  Your equipment is fine.  It is what you do with it that counts.  It is all about how you use it, especially when it's not huge.  Plus you don't have to worry about her choking and puking when you have oral s*x and that is much better for her, and I'm sure fun for you too.  And, women orgasms are stimulated to happen by either that or manually, and as long as you can keep it up would be the REAL concern.  Don't have a complex about it.  If she loves you, she loves all of you and wouldn't trade you for anyone else, not even in parts.  AND DON'T ANY OF YOU COMMENT ME ON THIS ONE, I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT.  LOL!!!

  6. lolz!

  7. I can't relate either but, you know.........they say Love is blind. She must be in love with you with a small wee-wee or not. So instead of worrying about wee-wee, be grateful she loves you.

    It can affect a relationship indeed but after 5 years, it seems to me she does not care. One, she loves you or it could be that she gets wee-wee number two on the side.

    You can also use toys, and put foreplay to good practice more often than not. She might enjoy that too and not worry too much about your wee-wee.

    I think you are doing fine and so not to worry. But if it KILLS you, go see a doctor. With today’s advances in medicine, wee-wee enhancements are nothing new.

    They can get an enhanced boob, why can’t we get an enhanced wee-wee?

    So there

    Good luck

  8. If you are able to please her in the bedroom...then there should never be a problem.  Does she o****m every time you have s*x?  Some women have a harder time getting an o**** a smaller p***s would matter.  But if she's satisfied in that dept....then you are fine.

  9. well if you have a child with her then maybe she does not care how long your thingy is. maybe has been with you for 5 YEARS because she loves you.

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