
Does a sober person remember what they said when they were drunk ??

by  |  earlier

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I had a person tell me deep things about our relationship when he was drunk. It was something he would never ever tell in a sober state. I couldn't stop tears coming out. So I wonder, if they remember what they said while they were drunk. I mean, he was just a totally different person, full of love that could be for the first time really expressed in words! It's amazing how this one time changed the way I viewed him...!




  1. I know somebody that's done that before so......

    Depending on the persons normal demeanor (maybe quiet, introverted, etc....) alcohol can act as a "truth serum" & the person in question may have gotten some pretty deep feelings thrown out in the open to you.

    The thing about booze is they could have been near/in a blackout state where they would have no recolection of what they've said/done at that point......        OR  .........

    The person may know what they told you & they are looking to see if you have any reaction after the fact.

    Very hard to tell when you add a lot of alchol.

    Would depend on how you feel about that person & if you take any action or say anything.

  2. "Drunk words are sober mans thoughts"

    Even if he doesn't remember it, he'll always think the same way about you. Most guys are just too nervous or think the girl will see them as a puss if he really tells her how he feels.

    Same goes for girls, I usually express my feelings when i'm drunk to my boyfriend, and to be honest with you, i remember what I say, not every single word but the big part of it.

  3. some people remember. and some people don't. it really depends on the person. my boyfriend always remembers everything down to the last detail, even if he's been drinking from 10am to 4am, something that happens quite often.

    but then my cousin doesnt remember, however she does get really wasted. she remembers to a certain stage, basically when she was in an alright state. when i talked to her recently about the previous night she said 'oh yeah i was really good last night, didnt get really drunk, went to bed etc' and i was like... 'urgh rachael, you were aggressive, pissed of liam, pissed of esh, staggering about, went to bed for about an hour then got up to drink more and be sick everywhere, you tried to make food too and nearly burnt down the house'. and she just looks at me in horror! lol. i remember most things, but if i allow myself to get legless a lot of the previous night is sketchy in my mind

  4. yes and no. personally i can recall maybe once, if that, that i could not remember something from the night before. it depends on the amount of alcohol consumed. people can black out from alcohol so it is possible to not remember things but i think most of the times they do.

  5. Probably dont remember hun.but a drunk man tells no lies,and he meant what he said. Prob to mushy for him to say partner declares his undying love every time hes drunk,compelety different when hes sober tho

  6. They say when he is drunk he is tellin u wat he really feels but i think this is somewhat true and some of it is because he is thinking of good things to say and to him at that time it sounds like a good thing....kinda like how im high right now but its not as intense as drunk.

  7. It depends on how drunk they were.  If they were extremely drunk, they might not remember.  Most of the time, people will remember at least some of what they said.

  8. I'll let you know, if I ever sober up.

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