
Does a solicitor have to take out money off a claim for their expense?

by  |  earlier

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I was in an accident where another car hit me. I was having mydriving lesson.

I had a solicitor come round my house and he was going through the conditions of what was going to be done.

The solicitor asked me if he could have both my car and the other cars registration numbers.

Then I told my instructor and he told me why did the solictor ask for his registration number. I said I didn't know and then he told me that was it because that they were trying to get money off his insurance aswell.

The solicitor had told me that a little fee out of my claim was going to be taken. Is this right?




  1. Possibly, but why you winging?  If your solicitor gets you the money then why shouldn't you pay them?

  2. no money should be taken from your insurance whatsoever

    and if you are to be paid some money by the other partys insurance no money should be taken from your award to pay any solicitors fees all solicitors fees and expenses should be paid by the other party  

    THESE CASES ARE ALL NO WIN NO FEE it is the law not the solicitors discretion and in the case of a win the other party pays, change solicitors as this one is seems dodgy and is trying to swindle some extra money from you

  3. it depends try one with a no win no fee claim.

  4. You should use one that recovers their fee from the other side. I would change solicitor.

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