
Does a south paw(left hand) have the advantage over a right hander?

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Does a south paw(left hand) have the advantage over a right hander?




  1. being a south paw or Orthodox doesn't give you any advantage. only being the better boxer does that

  2. yes....if you're the pacman

  3. in boxing, i would say yes, considering the south paw has fought far more "opposite styled" fighters than he, while the righty tends to fight boxers keen to his style all the time. the southpaw is definitely more experienced.

  4. For the most part, yes because it is awkward fighting someone who does everything the exact opposite as you.  They jab with their right and have the majority of their power in their left hand and they lead with their right foot, which can make for some unintentional stepping on feet and headbutts.  And since there are always going to be more orthodox fighters than southpaws, when you do fight a southpaw, it is something that is much more uncommon and confusing than fighting another orthodox fighter.

  5. not really....depends on what ur talking about.....

  6. in every sense of the question

  7. Yes.

  8. It really depends upon who the south-paw is.  If he is a highly skilled boxer eg. Pernell Whittaker he can definitely use his left-handedness to advantage.  On the other hand, no one had an advantage over Joe Louis or Sugar Ray Robinson and more recently only larger and particularly taller men had an advantage over Mike Tyson.  No lefty has an advantage over Floyd Mayweather as he may be the best pure boxer of all time.  Boxing should always be thought of as the "Art of Self Defence".  A good boxer adapts quickly to all styles and if you can make a man miss he is often open to a counter punch.  Both men being equally skilled can make for a somewhat awkward match with occasion head banging & foot entanglements.  Some fighters can and do switch from right to left in an attempt to confuse.  Usually if they are working against a slower but stronger opponent who is easily confused.

  9. No,  the only advantage is that you are not use to them.  Most great fighters are right handed and rarely do lefties hold championships.  I think Michael Moorer was the first lefty to be heavyweight champion.

  10. Yeah, because most people are right handed and train with right handers. So a southy is a little more difficult to defend.

  11. All you need to do is watch the Chad Dawson Glen Johnson fight a while back to get your answer. Dawson, the champion and a lefty, got his butt kicked good by Johnson, a righty. It was a very bad decision and Johnson deserved to be infuriated . All this, and I am a Chad Dawson fan too. The Judges were smoking some funny stuff, for sure.

  12. the ONLY advantage is that there are fewer of them, so the style is not as practiced upon.

  13. Yes he does it is hard to defeat a south Paw.

  14. The south paw has the advantage because he gets used to fighting right hand fighters (which is the norm or most common). Now, for a right handed boxer to get used to a southpaw fighter he needs to train constantly and get used to his left handed opponent.  It's all about getting used to it. Thats the only advantage the awkwardness of it.

  15. Southpaws (I am one) tend to throw punches from extremely unorthodox angles, which could create an advantage if the conventional fighter does not properly train for this and watch some film of his opponent.  This is especially true if fighting a short lefty that likes to fight inside.  The left hook inside can be a devastating instrument of destruction if the conventional fighter is unprepared.  

    A good trainer (and a fighter willing to listen) can negate that though.

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