
Does a spell for marriage last forever? If not what can be done to release the one who is hexed?

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Does a spell for marriage last forever? If not what can be done to release the one who is hexed?




  1. I don't know what you mean about a hex, but I think what you're talking about is some kind of spell to bind two people together.

    First of all, make sure that these two people are willing to be bound together.

    After you complete the ritual, you can bury the candle, string, herbs, ect. in the ground to release the spell. Anything that you used that can not be replaced (an athame, ect.) can be washed with salt water to purify it again.

    I haven't practiced in years, but this should be correct, if not vague since I don't have a lot of information on what you're trying to do. There are lots of great books out there that can help you more thoroughly.

  2. Yes it is called a "pre-nuptual agreement"...there is no way to release the person.

  3. The true spell is love and compatibility

  4. I know how to do spells like that, feel free to email or instant message me.

  5. What do you mean by a "spell for marriage" ?  What's wrong with a wedding ceremony?

    In my 15+ years of study and practice of witchcraft, I've never heard anyone ask about a "spell for marriage".  I've been invited to my share of handfastings, but I am guessing this is not what you mean.  

    And where did we go from spell to hex?  I'm confused.  

    Please clarify what you mean.

  6. Put a ring, a bell and a house key in a bag, Then bury it beneath an apple tree. Then skip around the tree 6 times chanting  I am an idiot and that should remove the curse!

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