
Does a starfish have five arms or five legs?

by Guest64786  |  earlier

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I really don't know much about starfish, except the fact that they have five limbs. so are those five limbs legs or arms or a combination of both (some legs and some arms)? I'm just wondering.




  1. They're referred to as "arms":

  2. two legs, two arms, and a head.  did you know that if you cut one of its limbs off that it can grow a whole new body? yea..

  3. They are arms with thousands of feet on the bottom. Man I wanna get a sea star and keep cutting it until I got like 10 of them!!!!!! I'll make millions!!

  4. their both arms and legs

  5. called by both or just call them appendages

  6. I'm pretty shure they're considered limbs most of the time, i've heard them be called arms though. I've also heard them called tentacles, but they're really too fat to be considered tentacles...

  7. They are both arms and legs, I think.

  8. why can't they just be limbs, they do use them for movement also to aid eating

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