
Does a stillborn baby still need to have it's birth registered? ?

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If a baby born dead and premature, does it still need to have the birth and death registered and at what term of the pregnancy does this not matter?




  1. i think this depends on the country and state where you live.

  2. I believe it is a baby born after 22 weeks will get a birth certificate and if born dead they give a death certificate as well.  

  3. as far as still birth in the us its very uncommon for both a birth and death certificate to be issued, regardless of when the baby was born

    birth certificates are actually certificates of live birth (they don't apply for still born babys)

    death certificates are required by some places if the pregnancy was viable  

  4. That depends on how premature the baby is. If it is viable - that is, if it is a 7-month infant, then the birth does have to be registered and at the same time, the death is registered. It's a difficult time to have to do these things, but officialdom insists. Sometimes the hospital will do it for you.

    If the baby was not yet viable - six months or under, it is counted as a miscarriage and does not have to be registered.  

  5. Unfortunately, a stillborn baby commonly does not receive a Birth Certificate. A Certificate of Fetal Death is typically issued for any stillbirth >20 weeks gestational age or >500g. Requirements will differ by state.

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