
Does a story like this ruin your good mood, too bad he wasn't stopped earlier maybe the child would have?

by  |  earlier

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had a chance




  1. Yes, that pisses me off. I wish I would have been one of the people passing by. That F***er would have gotten the beating he deserved instead of dying quickly. He wouldn't have just brushed me off. I guarantee it . That A$$Hole deserved to be beaten with a lead pipe and every time he passed out I would wake him up so I could start beating him again. I HATE THAT S**T !!!

  2. Horrible horrible horrible.

  3. That's horrible. In my opinion, people like that deserve to be shot, and don't talk about human rights to me. A man who beats a 2-years-old toddler isn't a human and doesn't deserve to have human rights. And then they're going to blame the policeman for shooting the b*****d. Let's hope the kid is in a better place now.

  4. f---! I really didnt' need to know that.  That **** pisses me off to no extent.   I am glad they shot the b*****d despite he got off easy.   Oh my God, that poor child.   The devil strikes again.

  5. yeah, that's disgusting...

    my mood is definitely ruined. thanks a lot!!  ;)

  6. All I can say is

    d**n fine shot officer !!  What kept you ?

  7. And my boy wonders why all his friends can do what they want to, but I won't let him do anything.

    There are crazies out there.

    Don't let it ruin your mood.  Let it take you to new heights.  Go volunteer at a youth home.  Use your time and money to make certain that something like this doesn't happen in your hometown.  Start some legislation of some kind to find ways for crazy parents to drop their children off at a hospital if they think that their kid is the devil.

  8. Oh , I saw that on the news the other day .  So, so sad !   The man had to completely whacked , on drugs , or something .     You can only hope that the child was knocked unconscious early in the beating so he didn't have to endure much pain or suffering .

  9. Horrible...fortunately the child will not have to suffer anymore because of him.

    And then you'll get the idiots that say the police used "excessive force"....

  10. yes this ruined my mood. i wish i could have been there to stop that no good for nothing b@st@rd. that my friend is why some people should not have kids.

  11. had to view others responses before I read it myself....and chose not to read it so I can keep my 'middle of the road mood ' having just got off work' I dont want to dive into the valley of downer too much....but thanks for asking...

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