
Does a tardy show up on your high school transcript ???

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Ok well I'm in 9th grade, it was the second day of school today and I got a tardy. I was wondering if tardies show up on your high school transcript AND if colleges take a tardy into consideration. I'm freaking out about it because I REALLY want to get into an IVY LEAGUE college. By the way it was because i couldn't get my locker open and I talked to the coach after class and apologized and told him why I was late, but he's pretty strict and I'm scared it will ruin my chances of getting into a good college.Please help!




  1. No. Attendance normally doesn't show up on a high school transcript. Grades and extra activities are what count for colleges. Not attendance! You'll be just fine; don't freak out!

  2. Tardies never go on your transcript.  Only disciplinary actions do, and one tardy is not enough to target disciplinary action at any high school.

    Stop worrying; it's amazing how big this can seem now - and how literally small it will be in the grand scheme of things.

    Take your nervous energy and buy an SAT prep book right now, and do a practice test.  Did not get 1600?  Guess what - you have 3 years to fix it.  This, along with essays and exams, are what will determine whether you get into the Ivy League.

  3. I'm pretty sure you'll be fine. I know at my school its not that big of a deal

  4. first of all calm down take a deep breath. breath in and out

    ok now

    2nd day of school ? teachers dont care maybe a week later but not now

    adn dont worry u wont get in trouble and not get into ivy league school b/c u were tardy once.  

  5. One tardy won't make a difference. Just be sure to not make it a habit.

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