
Does a tattoo on your back hurt?

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Lower back area




  1. I'm right there with Mr Wizard (and in seeing his icon I'm reminded that I need to update mine with the full back shot).

    Yeah, it hurts, and the "love handles" area definitely more than others, but the pain is still temporary.  I do have more respect for women who get their first tattoos in the lower back region; my work started on the upper back where it wasn't as big of a deal and progressed down, so I had some idea.  For a first tattoo, it might be a little surprising.  Even so, it's eminently doable.

  2. All tattoos hurt some. That area is pretty tender, but it's bearable.

  3. it hurts whereever you do it lol  

  4. yeah the lower back tattoo does hurt a lot. but if you get one don't move because it will only make the pain and process longer trust me i know. lol

    try beinging your ipod with you if you have one and listen to music to take your mind off of the pain that's what i did when i got my foot tattoo done

  5. I do not have one on my back but I do have five others and I am scared to get one on my back everyone says it hurts like h**l. I would NOT let that be your first tattoo. My biggest tattoo goes from my ankle to my knee and it didn't hurt so I'm going to try one on my back at some point. Good luck

  6. I have a fairly big tattoo on my lower back.  Three tiger lilies.  I had to have two sessions to finish the tattoo. The pain is bearable.  I was really expecting the spine to hurt the worst and actually that part was just fine.  It didn't bother me at all.  The worst for me was my sides.  A lot of people think the bone hurts worst than muscle or fatty areas.  That is not the case for everyone.  

  7. Yep. I found it more painful than my hip or ankle.

  8. I have a tattoo on the right side of my lower back. It hurt a fair amount. But then again, all tattoos hurt.  

  9. If you'll refer to my avatar you'll see a heavily tattooed lower back (that glowing white area at the bottom of the picture is my pasty butt ;-)  ). That area for me was one of the more painful areas, the "love handles" in particular. Kind of like getting your fat jiggled with a hot poker.

    That being said, nobody deals with pain in quite the same way. Keep this in mind - Tattoo pain = Short-term discomfort. Bad tattoo or not the tattoo that you really wanted? Not so much with the short-term part, very much with the "discomfort" part.

    Ask yourself, is every person that I see with a lower back tattoo a hardcore pain nut or super "hard"?  I doubt it.  

  10. I Got A Tattoo On My Right Shoulder Blade Of Kermit The Frog And When They First Started Doing The Tattoo Yes It Hurt But After A Few Minutes It Went Kinda Numb, All In All The Most Painful Part Was When They Were On The Bone.

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