
Does a teacher needs good dressing sense?

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Does a teacher needs good dressing sense?




  1. none of my teachers ever had any, is it a specialist course for post graduates?

  2. absolutely........... the person should develop a respect in the minds of the students..... rather than promote ill intentions

    as a teacher should dress in a chudhi or a saree.........

  3. actually I remember the teachers who couldnt dress, they got my attention.  Do they have ot wear a suit and tie, or casually wear comfort- does it mater?

  4. yes .afterall he /she is to be emulated by the students.

  5. You need a professional, appropriate dress sense. You need to know what will be appropriate to wear and what won't.

  6. Yes - teachers are role models. They need to dress & present themselves in a way that is appropriate for the age of students they are teaching. Example - a kindegarten teacher may wear dress slacks & nice blouse while a college professor may where a business type suit.

  7. Yes, teachers are PROFESSIONAL and they should look that way. Be simple and elegant.

  8. it is not a NEED.BUt it sure will get the students to look up to you as a fashion model!


  10. No its irrelevant to being a good teacher, whats more important is not to distract your pupils by what you wear. Our french teacher in school would wear tops that were a little revealing as a result i'm still rubbish at french.

  11. It is  necessary. It is also a moral good as it is to be followed by the students.Dress should be simple  and need not to be rich.

  12. well for me yes...

    othrwise teachers look so boring

  13. Yes a teacher is a professional and should dress the part.  

    How can the students concentrate if their teacher is dressed like a hooker everyday.

  14. I'd be suspicious of a teacher that dresses too well! Most of the teachers I remember from school were pretty average dressers LOL!  The most important thing would be for a teacher's clothes to be modest, clean and professional.  In fact anything too expensive or flashy could potentially be sending the wrong message to kids.

  15. Yes.  To have the respect of those he/she is teaching.  People will listen, respond, and adhere to those they respect most.  Looks, sad to say, forms a big part of how we rate people.  So dressing correctly and looking the part is necessary to being a successful teacher.  (Particularly in the age bracket of 20-30)

  16. No...

    It's illegal to have a relationship with a teacher

  17. Yes Of-course, teacher is a role model for the students and students emulate teachers.  It is most desirable that teacher has good dress sense.

  18. Yes.

  19. No but everyone should look good.  I think a teacher shoud look smart.  Nothing to provocative.  But mainly dressed well like they are going to work

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