
Does a tetanus shot hurt really Bad???

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i have to get 1 in 4 more hours and im nervas some people say it hurts 4 a secont and others say it hurts like a B*T*H im scared im only ellevan HELP i have a few questions

1)does the needle go in your mustle

2)does the needle go all the way in

3)does it hurt more during the shot or after

4)is the needle thin or thick

5)how much flewid goes in your arm

6) rate the pain during the shot 1-10 10 the worst 1 the least

7) after the shot 1-10 10 worst 1 least





  1. Look the other way and you will hardly notice it. It's not one of the nasty ones, and it's MUCH better that getting Tetanus which is a REALLY scary disease!

  2. 1. u must relax so that it hurts less....DONT let them put it in u if ur muscle isnt RELAXED

    2. no the needle doesnt go all the way in

    3. it hurts while they r putting it in...then after they take it out

    4. the needle is in between its not too bad

    5. idk how much fluid they will give u srry depends on person

    6. 5

    7. 7

  3. its going to hurt after, because your arm is going to be sore. the needle is very thin and the shot will hurt just for a second, becaus every needle hurts. but dont be nervous or scared because its not as bad as you think. who ever told you it hurt like that is wrong because it hurts for one second. then for the next day or so, it will be sore. so if you plan on doing any physical activity like sports, id hold off. but just dont worry. you'll be fine. tell me how you do after it!

    good luck!

  4. Nope, they don't hurt. It might feel like a tiny pinch, but not much else. Don't be scared of it. It is certainly a one on the pain scale, you won't even know what you were scared of once it is done.

    From my experiences, the muscle stiffness is about equal to the stiffness you get if you exercise your arm alot (like playing baseball) and then don't stretch - when you wake up in the morning it feels a little tight and uncomfortable ... not really painful.

    I have also had a couple that didn't make my arm sore at all ... so it really depends on the person.

  5. 1. yes the needle goes into your muscle

    2. it does not go in all the way

    3. after the shot, your upper arm is sore if that's where they give you the shot

    4.the needle is pretty thin

    5. the amount that it needs to be, i don't really know

    6. 2

    7. 8 your muscle is so sore it hurts to even lay down

    i got a tetanus shot a week ago, and i'm 13, so yea. it doesn't hurt when they give you the shot, but when they take the needle out it kinda stings but not really. then afterward your muscle will hurt like you pulled it. if you get the shot in your arm, you need to flex it gently and it will feel better in about 3-4 days. don't worry, just look the other way when they give you the shot, or talk to someone. don't think about it at all. good luck!  

  6. Ive had one or two in my life.. and they didn't hurt one bit .. Just like every other shot .. stings for a minute then its over... Hope this helps ... good luck :O)

  7. It doesn't hurt the day of, obviously getting the shot is uncomfortable, but not intolerable. However the next day, I'd expect some serious muscle soreness.

  8. just calm down when your getting the shot. i have had a few and they dont hurt. im sure the docter has before given you a finger doesnt even husrt that much. its a quick shot and only goes part way in. i dont know if it goes into your muscle but you sure cant tell and the pain is a 5 or less. a bit of fluid goes in your arm but when it goes in go 1 mississis.........2misss.........3missss... it will be over even sooner.the day after your arm will be uncomfortable. the pain is like a 4 or 5 unless some dush bag punches you hard then its like a 8 or 9.its happened and its not that bad.dont be scared.  

  9. Okay i don't know all that information but i just got mine in the spring.

    I didn't look at the needle as it went in and i probably hurt a 2 1/2 and after the shot your arm will hurt for a few days and the pain will be like a 6 but if you bump into it, it will hurt a 10. Hope I helped you a little.

    and don't worry its done before you know it :)

  10. Okay the actual shot doesn't hurt. After a few hours it starts hurting your arm a little. It just makes it feel tired and it feels the day after you workout and lift weights and your muscles are sore? Kinda like that. The needle is thin and you can't even feel it going in...the pain is like a 2 or 3 after a few hours after the shot, and 0 during the shot because you can't even feel it going in.

    Don't be scared....theres no reason to be. it's a piece of cake

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