
Does a thunderstorm or any other storm other than Tropical storms and Tornadoes have an Eye?

by Guest45359  |  earlier

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My grandfather and I were wondering this when our power went out and back on, after that, there was no wind, just thunder for about 5 minutes, then, it started right back up again.




  1. Not really, though some of the powerful non-tropical lows can have a relatively calm center.  What happened in your case there is that there were a few storms that moved along the same general track, and a short time after one storm moved away from you, the next one moved by.  This is not an unusual event.

  2. Generally no, but sometimes it may give that appearance, as a Vorticity maximum wraps around itself creating a circular appearance, but generally no eye.

    What you were experiencing is most likely the lull associated with the area between 2 thunderstorms, or a break inbetween 2 lines of showers/t-storms.

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