
Does a trampoline have to be taken apart and stored for the winter or can it stay outside?

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Does a trampoline have to be taken apart and stored for the winter or can it stay outside?




  1. I think it would depend on the region you live in. In California we left ours out constantly for at least 5 years and it was in great condition. We took ours down simply because our children quit using it. If you lived where there is allot of snow, wind, etc. it may be better to take it apart. Just depends on how severe the weather is where you live.

  2. If I were you I would store it. Storms are HORRIBLE on them. We had one and it was summer there was a storm it tore apart and we never got another. Just imagine how bad it would be in the winter!

  3. It can be left outside, but depending where you live it can be bad for it. If it snows where you are its better on the springs if you take it apart and store it, and also its better on the actual mat of the tramp if you store it because the snow can pile up and snow is heavy so it will strech out the mat, thus making it less bouncy.

    on the other hand, its a pain in the butt to take apart, so if it doesn't snow where you live, I wouldn't bother.

  4. We keep ours outside during the winter. My brother still jumps on it during the winter. But we are in Texas, winter doesn't really affect us too much.

  5. I live in Illinois and we leave ours out all winter and even use

    it. We have had this one for 5 years and havent had a bit

    of trouble. Hope this helps.

  6. during the winter when all the snow and leaves fall on it it will get looser and more dangerous. to keep it in good condition store it inside

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