
Does a tree make a sound when it falls in the forest when no one is there?

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  1. Yes it does.

    A squirrell told me.

  2. On the one hand, it seems obvious that a tree falling in a forest with no one to hear it makes a sound. The tree-fall is just the same whether an observer is present or not. In cases where an observer is present, a tree-fall makes a sound. Removing the observer doesn't change the tree-fall. An observed tree-fall therefore involves a sound.

    On the other hand, there does seem to be a sense in which an unobserved tree-fall is silent. With no one present to hear the sound before it passes out of existence, it might as well not have happened. It's almost as though the tree-fall only creates a potential sound, which, if unobserved, never fully comes into being.

  3. Yes it does-anything moving makes a sound no matter what on Earth. So if a tree fell in a forest, the friction of it cracking or sliding against other surrounding trees (in a forest) would create heat and sound energy amongst others.

    Proof-go drop an anvil on your foot and see if you make a sound

  4. it sure does, because... well... it just does, no proof needed.

  5. Well, the definition of sound (when it is a noun) is the sensation percieved by the sense of hearing. So, I would say it doesn't make a sound if nobody can hear it.

  6. only if it lands on your head

  7. Depends on how you define a sound. As a purely perceptional thing, no. But a pressure wave that makes sound will happen when a tree falls. Since we know that sound is basically a pressure wave, we can conclude that there will be sound.

    To illustrate, think about this - when a lightbulb is turned on, but there's no one to see it, will it produce light? Some people might say it won't. But place a piece of unexposed photopaper in the same room as the lightbulb (provided that are no other lights), walk out of the room and turn the lightbulb on. Will it affect the photopaper? After developing the photopaper you will see that it did, that photopaper became exposed in the light. Therefore, the lightbulb produced light despite no one being there to see it.

  8. I once left my video recorder switched on at the forest to record bird behaviour and bird songs )especially the shy birds will not sing if you are around). I left the forest and came back in the evening to check the video. There was a giant tree just felt down in front of the camera with an enormous noise. I was not there when it felt down but I can say that a fallen tree definitely makes a sound when no one is there.

  9. have been there when a tree falls and it is felt in your stomach and your heart aches,,,its trunk heaves, the branches sigh as the cambium seals and dies. There must be sound.

  10. No.

    The trees do not make any noises throughout their life.

    The noises they make are not audible to human air without particular scientific devices (like the noise of opening of flower buds).

    What ever sound or noise we hear when a tree falls is generated by the friction of the tree parts with the surrounding trees and undergrowth because it is crushed and the noise of the soil and small stone shifted because of the uprooted roots. The other noise heard during the fall of tree is the noise of breaking of branches or stem.

    As  such tree do not make any noise whether somebody is there or not. Tree when falls down moves through the air at a speed and the movement of leaves and braches create the sish or the noise heard by us, Same noise can be heard when a storm moves the branches.

    Trees can not make out whether somebody is there or not and hence the phenomenon of tree falling is not at all influences by the presence of the someone.

    The noise will always be there when a tree falls but not made by the tree itself but the other elements and the breaking, snapping noise of the stem, roots and branches.

    Till now I have not come across a talking, crying or yelling tree.

    I have one example to prove, a dead tree falls because of decayed stem and roots and makes a big thud when it hits the ground. Same thud is heard when you cut a living tree with chain saw and it falls on ground. So whether tree is dead or alive noise is same. Hence not made by tree.

  11. Yes - a might great thump.

  12. adooornt  rerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrly noooooooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrr.

    You prove it.

  13. yes

  14. "No one" implies a human.  But there could be lots of living things present in a forest that have appropriate receptors to detect the energy released by the crashing of a tree into the earth.  The energy released during a fall cause waves to occur whether there are receptors cells to detect the waves or not.  In the case of those organism such as a snake that detects vibrations through their body will react to the crashing of a tree into the earth.

  15. This is a classic case of science giving an answer when philosophy/religion have nothing to say.

    Yes. Because the tree loses energy by falling over and that energy has to be dissipated somehow. Partly heat, partly by moving other things and partly as sound.

  16. yes, it makes a crash noise and its pretty loud. its scary too.

  17. It depends on whether you define 'sound' as the end product we experience with our brains or as the vibrations in the air caused by the tree falling.

  18. Yes, indeedy.

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