
Does a waiter at chili's make good tips? How much per shift and how much is an average tipout?

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Does a waiter at chili's make good tips? How much per shift and how much is an average tipout?




  1. I totally doubt rich folks go to Chili's. I know I wouldn't if I were rich. Chili's is just an average type place to get ribs. If I go there and the bill is 30.00 and I got good service, then the server gets 6 bucks. That's 20 percent. If I find the server ignoring me when I need a refill or just playing around, then she or he gets Zippo.

  2. kinda depends on were you live and how you act...

    in my city, waiters get really good tips at chili's...but I'm in a rich city, people drive Porsche's alot...haha

  3. my sister works there

    and she makes 100 at night the most and then she gets her pay check on top of that....its a good job u get money no matter what

    every day im gonna get a job there cause she gets soo much

    you just need to be very friendly

  4. I am a general manager of a Chili's in VA.  Mon-Thursday Lunch $50-$70 a shift.   Mon-Thursday dinner about $60-$80 a shift.  Weekend lunch should always be more than $75 at lunch and if you don't break $100 on a pm shift then you are doing something wrong.  I have servers who work 3 days a weeks and all doubles and make $500 and I have server who work 3 shifts a week and make $200.  It's up to you.  At any corporate restaurant you follow their systems you will make money.  Don't count on pay checks though $2.13 an hour doesnt add up to much.  

    Also All sorts of people eat at Chili's It depends what restaurants are in your area.  If Vicki O is rich and wants to eat Fois Gras ever day good for her.  But sometimes people want Burgers or ribs.  90% of the time a tip is based on YOUR service and the quality of the food. not the income level of the guest.  Best tippers = people who do or have worked in restaurants.

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