
Does a woman get paid for adopting her baby out?

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Random, but my friend and I were arguing about this today. I think she does because my friend adopted her kid out and mysteriously ended up with alot of extra money. I never had the heart to ask her though.




  1. I have never heard of this because adoption agencys usually get involved. They could have helped her out with expenses which could have left her with some extra money. I wouldn't ask her anyways thats really personal and she could take offense to that.

  2. It does sound like the baby was sold. If there is money involved in an adoption, then it is selling a baby. I know it's illegal but people have clever ways of getting around it by paying medical bills or living expenses as well as buying gifts. If a birthmother ends up with cash or other gifts as a result of putting a baby up for adoption, then she did sell it. Personally, I think the practice is disgusting because I know that there are women who do this intentionally and sometimes even swindle adoptive parents by pretending to be pregnant when they actually aren't.

  3. Not legally ethically or morally.   But what have any of those things got to do with infant adoption in the USA anyways - people will do anything to get a baby

  4. Hi Dustin,

    Does your friend happen to work for an adoption agency?  That's the only way I can think that she could have legally gained so much money from relinquishing her baby.  Adoption attorneys make quite a bit off the heads of each baby lost to adoption too.

    Normally the mothers do not get anything other than some living and medical expenses.  Agencies however, can profit up to $40,000 off of each and every healthy, white, infant adopted.

    Hmmm... Did she have any wealthy relatives suddenly die?  If so, she should have kept her baby, assuming lack of funds were used as a reason to convince her to relinquish her baby in the first place.

    I would encourage her to register with ISRR if she would like to be reunited with her baby someday.  Even if it was an "open adoption," which is seldom kept open throughout the baby's childhood.  Wishing all of you the best.

    julie j

    reunited adoptee

  5. no, its illegal.

  6. NO.  That would be cohersion and it is illegal.

  7. A birth mother does not get compensated in any means unless it is agreed to by the adoptive parents and the birth mother.

    Surrogate mothers, do get compensated...but that's because they are asked to get pregnant.

    In this case, it sounds like your friend got pregnant and felt she was unable to parent and chose an adoption agency to place her child with.

    If that was the case, she could have asked for, and the adoptive parents agreed to, some financial assistance for food, clothing, insurance...those type of things.

    But, if it was a large amount of money, unless the adoptive parents just felt they had to compensate her more and did that "under the table" for her (or she coerced them out of it, however it happened), I don't know.

    But, as a general rule...unless something is asked for by the birth mother and agreed upon by the adoptive family, birth mother "payments" are not "expected" and should only be given if agreed upon up front.

  8. Technically, that's considered SELLING your baby.

  9. If your friend got money, then it was definitely under the table- when we adopted our 2 children- we did pay some medical bills and housing until the babies were born- they did not have extra money.

  10. It is highly illegal to "sell" a baby.  That can end you in Federal prison, big time.  That said, a pregnant woman can find support for herself and all costs paid until she delivers.  If the adopting parents are very generous, usually nobody is watching.

  11. I think it depends on the state laws in regards to what PAP's can contribute towards the natural mother.  I was offered employment compensation since my child was an emergency cesaerian and I was going to be out of work for 6-8 weeks.  I turned it down for two reasons:

    a) didn't feel right

    b) already had a bit of money shoved aside to make sure my bills were paid and my older daughter would be taken care of during my downtime.

    Even tho it did not feel right, I found out it was perfectly legal.

  12. I'm a birthmom and I didn't get any money, infact I was told if I kept her, I would be responsible for paying all the money back to  the adoption agency and medical. Hospital charges etc.

  13. Thats a good question!

  14. Um not exactly. Some agencies will help with living expenses and things like clothes and food. They want the baby to be healthy and they will help you out to make it easier for you to get through the pregnancy. Alot of people would have abortions if not for the help they get from the adoption agencies.

    It is illegal for them to buy babies. Just pay your bills, feed you, and pay for the Dr's to get the baby here and healthy.

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