
Does a woman have a right to say they want a c-section?

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or not?




  1. Yes, in fact these days more women chose C-section as it is safer for the baby.  

  2. I didn't!

    I told the doctors from early on in the pregnancy that I wanted a C-section, but they told me that it is not the woman's choice.

    A C-section is considered major surgery and is only performed if medically necessary.

    At least in Connecticut where I live...

  3. Depends on what state you live in, california for instance is an elective C-section state

  4. Why would you want a c-section. If it were me I would try to not have one since the recovery time is so much longer than a vaginal delivery.

  5. You always have the right to SAY it... but your medical professionals also have the right to refuse based on medical reasons.

    Some docs will allow elective c-section, others will not.  If it's something you want and your doc will not oblige, you may need to find another health care provider.

  6. Yep! you can choose how you want your baby to be born. at least thats the way it is in California!

  7. Yes. My friend who gave birth last year told the doctors she wanted a C-Section. :)

  8. Yes.

  9. I dont know but I do know c-sections are mainly for women who are to narrow to deliver a baby or when a baby may be to big to deliver, have already had a c-section and when its a emergency. I never knew anyone who really wanted to have one unless they had to

  10. Irrespectful of a legal and/or jurisdiction answer to this question, is the fact that giving birth naturally is important for a baby. A "C" section is an operation that is generally only used for situations in which the mother and/or the baby are in danger of losing their lives or suffering greatly therefrom. If you are asking because you are unready for the pain of delivery, consider that millions of women have come before you and valiantly confronted the inevitable, many dying in the attempt. If you are not ready for the ordeal, you should have thought about it in the first place instead of thinking of a "C" section as a sort of condom.  

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