
Does a women love her man more after child birth?

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Just wondering if you women out there became more emotionally attatched to your husband/boyfriend after you gave birth to his child.




  1. I'd say no, but not as in 'no, she loves him less', the love i have for my partner has nothing to do with our babies, it's completely different... yes, she may seem busy all the time with the new baby but it's no reflection on the couple's relationship... in fact, i think that a baby gives a couple something that they can completely unite over.... it's such an exciting time

  2. I actually was attached More to my hubby when I was pregnant, just knowing that I had a part of him inside of me made me love him even more. through out my entire pregnancy I only wanted to be with him, I didn't want anybody else to go to the doctor with me ir anything I just wanted him. Now me and my daughter fight over his attention (jokingly) but we are a close knit family anyway. After I gave birth we got even closer. (I had a C-section lol and he saw all off my insides things my motherhasn'tt even seen)  

  3. It really depends on their relationship before pregnancy. People that are in a stable and healthy relationship before are much more likely to be even more in love after having a child. Although a couple who was never going to make it, and ends up accidentally getting pregnant, most likely will not love each other any more than they did before, and might even grow more and more apart.

  4. Yes because you see them being a dad and it is a beautiful thing, to see how much they love your child. But the first few months can be challenging with no sleep, constant breastfeeding and getting used to the new lifestyle!

  5. I have to honest and answer no. I think that she may love her man more but emotionally they get attached to their baby a bit more and sometimes it makes the man a bit jealous, at least that is what happened in my case. Not to worry though, after her focus is off the new mommy cycle then she will make more time for you once more.

  6. i did. i was married for 2 years when i got pregnant and after giving birth i love him even more. he is at his absolute sexiest when he is in daddy mode.  

  7. Ha.  Well, it depends on what you do - if you are a supportive and caring father/spouse then having a child is a good thing for a relationship.  But typically a father feels left out and resents it, and instead of being supportive is destructive and gets left out even more.  It really depends on you and not the mom dude.

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