
Does aanyone know how much a cogins test runs in missouri?

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i really need to know as i may be picking up a few wild horses and i know its illegal to sell horses without them being uptodate on there cogins and i want to make sure that these horses will not be carrying any contagious diseases especially one that can kill a horse the horses are coming from a guy who bought some property and apparently the horses and there colts were running wild on it and have never really been messed with i have already informed him that if there are babies there could be a stallion on the property as well he knows nothing of horses so i am planning to pay for the cogins as well as worming and anything else that may need done to them like hoof trimming and everything else apparently a friend of his daughter managed to round the two mares and there colts into a makeshift corral so i am not sure if they are even being fed correctly i do have experience with horses and also have help with them so dont put me down for trying to save these animals at least im trying




  1. In michigan, our coggins run about 20 bucks a piece, but sometimes vet calls cost money too. However, there are alot of other diseases besides what coggins detects, so i suggest you get up to date on vaccines and everything else, especially with horses already at the place you are bringing these horses too. Just be careful, because horses can't tell you whats wrong by talking, and these diseases spread really fast.

    Ps. Have you heard of punctuation marks?

  2. Hi there,

    Well you only need a coggins to pass state lines.  I don't know if you are importing these horses over state lines or not?

    I just had a coggins pulled here in Idaho it runs $27 and $25 for a health cert...

    GOOD luck!

  3. I would recommend that you call your local vet and ask what he charges for a blood test for Coggins.  The Missouri Wild Horse League puts up some of their stallions for adoption, however they geld them first, worm them and make sure that they have a negative coggins before they allow adoption.  If you plan to show in 4H in Missouri, a current negative Coggins test is required.  Other states handle the Coggins issue differently.

  4. Most states will do the actual test for free at their state lab.  However you have to pay a vet to get them to fill out the paperwork - and when you tell the vet that those horses are wild - the price is really going to shoot up.

    There is a lot with that situation you need to think about.  One of the most obvious things is: How are you going to draw blood on a wild horse - especially one that has foals nearby?  The BLM has a system, and a lot of people to help when they round up wild herds - but it sounds like it is just going to be you.

    If I were in that situation, I would think about hauling the horses without the coggins (if not crossing state lines) and deal with any problems after the fact.

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