
Does abarrel racer have to be in shape to ride horses?

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Does abarrel racer have to be in shape to ride horses?




  1. It helps

  2. have to beable to hang on and have great leg strengh. And if your not in shape once you go into barrel'll notice that you will be getting muscles in your legs. Barrel racing isnt just about hanging on and going....there's also a lot of balance to do with it.

  3. You must be able to ride the horse! a horse can carry just about anyone... you must be able to ride well.

  4. Oh yeah! if you've never REALLY worked a horse, it can be just as exausting for you as for the horse....even after a few minutes of galloping my 3 year old I've got side cramps and my heart it pounding....and I'm actually well in shape!!! So yes, if your not in shape you could only slow the horse down.

  5. i have seen a lot of well fed "little porkers" in barrel races.

  6. they dont have to be but it sure helps..the lighter the rider the less the horse has to work to get up to speed..

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