
Does abstinence increase testosterone levels, and therefore more manly?

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Does abstinence increase testosterone levels, and therefore more manly?

hey i am 16. I have been abstaining for a month now! its fun and challenging trying to beat personal records and my previous one was 24 days. though at the same time very very frustrating and stressful at times but its knowing I can resist that keeps me going. I was wondering -does abstinence increase testosterone levels, and therefore more manly?

the idea comes from the fact that testosterone is released in ejaculation which isn't the case for me, and therefore as it makes you more "manly" and alot is inside, it may be possible




  1. well, if you're doing it every few hours of everyday,. you might have a dip in your testosterone levels, thus making you less "manly". however, your s***n reaches its peak production level in 72 hours. So if you wait 3 days, you're s***n and testosterone levels will be at their greatest and you can decide what to do from there. Good luck!  

  2. The pineal gland is like a thermostat, and it monitors the level of testosterone in the bloodstream. It gives chemical signals to the pituitary gland which in turn tells the testicles to porduce or quit producing testosterone. A chemical from the pituitary gland causes surplus testosterone to be converted into estrogen, which ruduces or shuts down the production of testosterone by the testicles.

    The body will only allow a set amount of testosterone, and anything beyond that point get turned into estrogen which shuts the testicles down from porducing more.

    Abstenence does not increase testosterone but may cause a decrease because the reproductive system is inactive and the need for testosterone is less. It's about reproduction. You may feel more s*x desire with abstenance because you get sexually built up inside with sperm and seminal fluid. The testosterone has not increased above the max point, and if it does, you get the oposite back lash.

    Testosterone is in the blood stream, and you don't loose useful testosterone through ejaculation, but more like semenal fluid with sperm in it.

    Testosterone often spikes after ejacuation because the testicles become more active to replenish the sperm which has been released.

    Keeping the reproducive system active through regular ejaculation keeps it more healthy and reduces the risk of prostrate cancer.

    There are some religeons that decided, from lack of knowledge that the natuarl needed recovery time..(refractory time) just following ejaculation meant that the ejaculate is yur life force and that you are weakened by releasing yur man juice so to speak as being yur life force.

    The body gives this down time to provide the benfit of increased relaxation and stress releif as one of the benfits of s*x. Ejaculation does not cause weakness or decreased life force! Hahaha!

    For Christians, check out this one---  and click on masturbation.  

    Hope that brings it together for you man

    Me! :- )

  3. no, your pituitary turns it on and off like a switch.  your body has a built in level, and when it is low it makes more.  if you never had s*x you would just replenish the supply less often.  your body works of chemical triggers.

  4. Testosternone levels are not correlated to ejaculation.  

  5. No, that isn't the case.

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