
Does accupuncture work for slimming i tried hypnotherapy it didnt help?

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Does accupuncture work for slimming i tried hypnotherapy it didnt help?




  1. they will place the needles usually inside the ear to suppress your appetite, but don't expect magnificent results....its you who has to change your diet and lifetstyle to see the results you want

  2. A good diet and excesses along with acupuncture may help you.

  3. Sigh.  Another searcher for the quick fix.

    Acupuncture and hypnosis have about the same effectiveness. It's not very impressive, in the range of 10% in properly controlled studies.

    Sorry, but only lowering your caloric intake or increasing your caloric output can reliably reduce weight.  

    I know that is the boring answer and you are looking for "magic".

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