
Does adding 100% Acetone really give you way better gas mileage?

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Ok. So I was on youTube, and I looked for similar videos to what i was watching, and for some reason there was something that said "Get way better gas mileage"

so i clicked on it and watched the video. it was from a howto person that i like very much, because he is very reliable.

but one of the things he did was add acetone to his gasoline and it gave him 10mpg more.

he went from 24 mpg, to 34 mpg.

so im wondering if its true, and if it is, does it hurt anything.

ive read that it does work, but it hurts the rubber parts; but then ive also read that its totally safe but bogus.

could really use a straight answer.





  1. NO.

    Mythbusters tested this myth and it turns they hurt gas mileage.

    People are brain wash into thinking that there's some magic pill (acetone) that will solve out problems.  But sometime the solutions are even simpler than that.


    There are few thing you can do to save (or maximize) gas MPG. First get a tune-up.

    (1) spark plugs

    (2) spark plug wires

    (3) distributors, coil, rotors (if you have them).

    (4) new air filter

    (5) PCV

    (6) correct tire pressure

    (7) clear the trunk of useless heavy items

    (8) spray clean MAF sensor.


    Forget all those "SAVE GAS" scams.  This was on NBC morning TV show.   The difference is as much as 38% (their claim).  There are very simple rules to save gas:

    (1) drive slow - not too much past 55

    (2) accelerate slowly

    (3) don't brake unnecessarily

    (4) use cruise control - whenever it is safe to do so.

    Don't coast - it is NOT safe (to coast in Nuetral) and it does NOT save gas.  It only saves gas, if you are planning to slow down (exiting, tolls, traffic).  Coasting then accelerating again is LESS efficient than just cruising.

    The above really works. Using those simple rules I was able to drive from Boston to NYC (210.5 miles) on just 5.112 gallon (94 Civic).  That's 41 MPG (94 Civic 187K miles).  Actually I was speeding at 72 MPH so I could do even better at 55.

    WOW !!

    Good Luck...

  2. Acetone, lacquer thinner, etc all comes from the same crude oil that gasoline does. But they are not gasoline. Will they burn, sure. Will you do damage, sure. Will you save money, HECK NO!

    Go to Lowe's and price a gallon of Acetone... around $12 a gallon. Even at wholesale price through a body shop supply store. Still $9.20 a gallon. That is twice the cost of gasoline.

    So unless doing the mix yields over twice the fuel economy, its a waste of money. And even at double, you are still just  breaking even. So really to make out, you would need to go from 24 to at least 72mpg.

  3. bogus. It may give you .01 gain but then again adding a pint of gasoline without factoring it into the equation will give a (false) better reading also.

  4. Have you ever seen what acetone does to rubber or plastic? I don't think so.

  5. Ask yourself this... there anything in acetone that gives you the idea that combusting it would be a good idea?

  6. It's just another stupid myth.No it does not increase your fuel mileage.

  7. no it doesn't work that has been tested and it doesn't do anything for a vehicle,acetone lowers the octane rating on the gas,so it cant help it none,the best thing you can do for gas mileage is keep your vehicle tuned up well and keep the maintenance up on it really well,that will help more than anything,adding things to the gas wont help the mileage none on it,good luck.

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