
Does age play a big role in how a person is treated?

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When I go to a store or when I'm talking to a doctor or a nurse or the waiter at a fancy restaurant it seems that everyone either expects me to be an idiot or not understand things. I've even been denied service before.




  1. Since I've gotten grey, I've become invisible. It's amazing.

    And anyone who is in service industry that does see me

    calls me "Ma'am". Phooie.

    I want a motorized wheelchair so I can run over their

    tootsies a couple times. Naaaaah, gotta be peaceful.

  2. so clau, about the salvia, its from the same genus of sage but theres a certain kind that is a hallucinogen when smoked. or chewed. It only lasts a few minutes, but you're supposed to get this wild trip out of it. Oh and the great thing is it's LEGAL and has shown to have no long term side effects.  

  3. Just hang in there and be polite- they think that if you are young you don't know anything- and I hate to say it, but the way people dress, look or act  has a lot to do with it also.

  4. Does age play a big role in how a person is treated? . . .

    Absolutly, as does looks, but you don't know that until

    you get older, then and only then will you realize, life

    isn't about what one does or doesn't deserve, only how

    well one is at the art of negotiating that comodity we

    call respect . . .

  5. Know what you mean!. It happens to old people too. Everyone thinks they have the right to shout out you, or call you darling, etc, use your first name without being invited to do so. Have you noticed how you seem to become invisible if you go into certain stores? Assistants just keep on chatting amongst themselves, because you couldn't possibly be wanting to buy something in their trendy little boutique etc. (You could have 8 grandchildren to buy presents for and a massive budget, actually!!).

  6. Oh yes. I notice people treating those whom are older with more respect and are much more polite. I remember I went into a grocery store and the cashier was just smiling and being cordial with the woman in front of me and then when I came up to the line she didn't greet me tell me my total or anything. Ridiculous. There are def "age-ist" people out there.  

  7. Age (discrimination) is only one of the many factors that come into play when people react to each other.  We are all guilty of some type of discrimination, even when it comes to our friends and family.  We usually treat people the way we feel about them at the time.  If a young or old person is appealing to us, they get the royal treatment, right?  If they come off with a negative 1st impression, they get the negative treatment.

    The rule is to always treat people the way YOU'D want to be treated, with respect.  What goes around will come back around to you.

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