
Does air conditioning contribute to a sore throat?

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its so hard to sleep this time of year without it, but at the same time. if you dont get enough rest. a sore throat may persist




  1. no it doesnt, only if you have a habbit of sleeping with your mouth open and inhaling in cold air drys your throat out, and it will feel sore for awhile.

  2. running the a/c at your home will dehumidify the air, causing you to breathe dryer air

  3. It helps to have an air filter in your house if your throat is sore or getting sore.  I do believe that the ac contributes to sore throats that I get during the summer.  Usually, if I turn the ac down to low at night during the summer, I wake up with a minor sore throat, but it goes away as the day progresses.  You could try covering your mouth up with the covers, but not so much that it smothers you.

  4. The A/C can dry out the air a little bit.  Buy a cool water humidfier and you sore throat will go away.

  5. Cold conditions can lead to a sore throat.If your body can't adapt to the cold conditions well,you might get one soon.

    But then it depends on your lifestyle and general health,so I cannot say if you will get a sore throat.

    You may use a sweater,blanket or muffler to cover ur body partially to reduce the effect of the air conditioner if its too hot.

    Hope you don't get a sore throat,because I have one now,due to cold conditions here(not A/C).

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