
Does airport security make you take out ear piercings?

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I got my industrial pierced about a week ago and I have to travel by airplane on Sunday, and I don't want to take it out! It would hurt wayyyyy to bad. So, do they make you take out your piercings while going through the metal detector?




  1. I have been flying with piercings - just ear, nothing "exotic" - and jewelry in place for 27 years (including dozens of flights since September 11, 2001) and have NEVER had an issue with it.

  2. no and if the metel detector does go off just show them your ear lol

  3. generally, they always make me take out my ear piercings [they don't make me take out my lip though]

    i don't think they will if you explain to them the situation.

  4. No.  If they alarm, they are easily verified.

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