
Does alcohol bring out the real you

by  |  earlier

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well does alcohol bring out the real you? so what about drunks who start fights, is that the real them? and is that why they call it liquid courage?




  1. NO.

  2. Drinking alcohol makes you feel loose.. then you start to think you are drunk, then you pick up fights because you think you are drunk. then you have the courage to do silly things because you know you are drunk.

  3. yeh i know iv always wonder why they said ( a drunk an never lies) ..and the weird thing is every time my parents are drunk they tell me they love me..but when their not they never do...

  4. I don't drink any more, but when I did I'd often be the hyper, happy fun girl I used to be

  5. I do not think alcohol brings out the real you.  Actually alcohol is a dis-inhibitor.  It does impair judgment, and is a depressant which can make inebriated people have altercations with one another or even cause you to do some stupid things, so in a way it can be called liquid courage or can be called stupidity in a bottle.  Nonetheless if you drink I would hope you do so in moderation, good luck to you and don't drink and drive.

  6. "A drunk man's words are a sober man's mind"

  7. yes because you are more relaxed and because alcohol  numbs the brain you cant think of a lie  

  8. urm no it doesnt bring out the real you but it does increase your confidence so u think you can fight lol or tell someone something you wouldnt usualy want to tell them, alcohol brings out a differnet "you" but not the real you coz you dont have very good judgement and make very poor choices when drunk

  9. alcohol makes men be men and women be loose

  10. alcohol doesn't bring out the real you unless the real you is a jackass!  

  11. if you mean the reall you as in it,,disables  common sense..restricts all rational thought....and impairs your judgment of the future consiquenses....then does

  12. I guess it brings out the more open side of people. I tend to talk c**p when I drink ahha, but I never start fights. I think if someone annoys me though, then I will have a go at them. But yeah in a way it brings out another side of you.

  13. mmm.. well kinda?

    i mean most of your hidden secrets about yourself are exposed during the most drunk nights of your life. I've had some experiences where I've told a few secrets about myself. I don't know about the fights.

    Usually drunk people are careless and if they accidentally hit someone then iguess it could turn into a fight.  

  14. I think in some people it allows them to say and do things they wouldn't normally do when sober.

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