
Does alcohol make you more brave?

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you know Liquid Courage, telling the muscles....




  1. Yap! and it also makes you drunk and out of control!

  2. Yes, it sure does, I tend to speak my mind & tell my secrets.=)

  3. just makes you more stupid, not caring, and unable to feel as much pain

  4. no not at all.... it can only make u an eligible candidate 4 hospitals.......

  5. yes it gives you false cionfidence, takes away your inhibitions. its false confidence because its not your usual confidence, its not really you being brave, its the drink

  6. No It Just Makes You Dumber Than You Already Are For Asking This Question Mate. Stupid Is As Stupid Does, The More You Drink The More Stupid You Get!

  7. You could call it brave or stupid!

  8. yep every time

  9. It hinders your judgment, causing you to jump on most opportunities you wouldn't when you were sober.

    So if you consider that brave, then sure. Personally I consider it moronic.

  10. All the time. I get myself in so much trouble when am drunk by telling the truth lol

  11. never answer for these questions

  12. it makes you more confident and not care what others think of you

  13. Well, in my case it makes me stupid. For example, last weekend I was really drunk and I knocked the c**p out of some dude even though I knew it was 5 against me...but I then a couple of friends came to help me out.

  14. Beer in particular makes you a great dancer and amazing cnnersehionaliz..conversatuniliz..talker...

  15. yes it does sometimes  

  16. it takes away things you wouldnt normally do or say out of common sense, you lose...and you make a fool of yourself in many cases...can also make you violent...wanting to challenge everyone..

    kelly b

  17. most of the time

  18. for a while lol

  19. makes you an idiot

  20. It just makes you reckless / flighty.  

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