ive noticed packs of potting mix [here in australia] have a warning labout about the risks of inhailing particles and handling potting mix, im sure the disease is legionaires what u can get
im a playgroup leader and i want to prepare an activity to make grassheads [stocking filled with grass seeds and potting mix, knotted up and kids make a face on it]
i hear u can make them out of sawdust instead of potting mix but there are no saw mills in my suburb so i dont know where to get sawdust from
if i prepared the heads at home and take the heads ready and all the kids have to do is stick eyes.. ect ect..on, will that be safe?,, i dont want to risk anyone getting ill but id love to do this activity as the kids will love them
or can u buy sawdust from somewhere local not a sawmill?
thankyou xxxxxxxxxxx