
Does all the money and power make politicians dirty?

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Does all the money and power make politicians dirty?




  1. Yes, politicians are dirty and they lie and steal and cheat and cover up everything they do. Look how many of them have been caught doing all sorts of dirty, crooked things. Cops and firemen are crooked and liars too and in on gangstalking and cops are even trained to be dirty, according to a book written by Rothmiller, "L.A. Secret Police". He tells all their dirty little secrets and how he was trained to lie and plant evidence and beat people for no reason, and all sorts of stuff.

  2. Nope, its their lack of integrity.

  3. Greed for money and power make the politicians play dirty in politics.

  4. Yes Stratus it does and for most of them if they were caring about you and me before they got to Washington they forget about us after they get there. It's like a giant social club.

    There's the old senior members that are set in their ways and if the young ones want to fit in and have a long and prosperous political career they go along with the old ones that should have retired 20 years ago because these senior members have all the collateral and the power to help you pass your bills and go places. They can either make you are break you. I said I was involved in politics before and I've seen it from the inside and it's not about you and me. It's about them.

    Here's the bottom line about politics Stratus. If you know of a honest politician now then he wont be very long because he will be looking for another profession if he doesn't go along with the crowd.. I do believe there are some that have a hard time looking at themselves in a mirror at first but politics is like being addicted to drugs.

    Once you gain all of that power, money and control then greed takes over and it is hard to let it all go. Look, how many of these congressman get caught doing something illegal on the side.

  5. No; maybe most of them, but not all of them.

  6. I think politicians make money and power dirty

  7. It is actually the opposite! Why do you think that they launder so much cash?  So that they can always remain squeaky clean!

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