
Does always being available really turn guys off?

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I'm a real, straight up person and I hate the "dating game". All I want is to find a guy I like and likes me back, and have it work out. But as much as guys say they want a girl like me, I don't get a lot of guys.

Others tell me to be "mysterious" and not always be available. But usually, if a guy calls, I'm sitting around bored and I really do want to spend time with him! I tend to talk A LOT. This is who I am, I can't be the quiet mysterious type lol.

But guys, do you really want a girl who plays hard to get?




  1. No way

  2. h**l no it's annoying and it gets old after a while

  3. be yourself. that's the most important thing. you just haven't found the right match yet.

  4. I like girls who like me for who I am, I don't care if she plays hard.

    PS. By saying this I feel like a girl myself.

  5. just go to a party and get hooked up

  6. Guys are hunters.  Having the "prey" just jump into their lap doesn't keep them around long...oh, come on, you know what I mean...ha ha

  7. ooh, been there.

    What I have found out is for girls and guys alike they get a turn on when a girl they want is out of their reach.

    Like my BF. Girls hated him, but now he is with me and a football player a few girls like him now. But I have him.

    and vice versa.

    I would attempt to talk to the guy(s) you like. Since you said you like to talk. Pick a guy you like and talk to them about whatever you KNOW they like. This may take a bit of research and guts.

    Its worth it hon.


  8. I am afraid you are right.  If you see each other very often, the illusion is gone.  Guys turn off faster.  

    That's why we need to learn how to play games.

  9. s***w that - I want a girl that will want to spend as much time with me as she can and really show that she loves me.  They are hard to find now because everyone is dating like 10 other people online.  Yeah - being available is a good thing, men get distracted quickly so if you are out of site you are out of mind.  You don't live in NY state do you?  :)

  10. I'm not a guy, just wanted to say what you have probably heard a zillion times, "be yourself" any thing else is fake.

    Nobody said it would be easy, but when you do find him you will know it's YOU he cares about.  ~Good Luck~

  11. Be real and be yourself.  You might be hanging around with the wrong kind of guys if you feel like they want you to be fake.  Personally one of the things I adore about my gf is that she doesn't play games like that and I don't have to pay a psychic to figure out what she is thinking.  I want to marry her.

  12. you should fill up your time with other activities then people will want to be with you because you're a dynamic and interesting person.

  13. everyone says to play the game and not be available. i always hated that and never followed that advice. i met a guy who appreciated me for not doing all that bull sh*t. 3 years later we are happily married.  

  14. play hard to get for about a week then give in,  

  15. Speaking for myself, we don't really like when girls play "hard to get" games with us. At first, it may seem fun, but a little annoying after a while if you're planning to get anywhere serious. I say, just be yourself, and sooner or later, someone will like you for the person you are, and not what you try to be.

    Btw, it is good to be available, but don't be so available that people can take advantage of it. If you're always bored, why don't you try asking friends out, or just finding a hobby that you like? Hope this helps :)

  16. Really doesn't matter. Both genders are generally attracted to a challenge, but too much of a challenge can seem like a dead end road. If you do not present a challenge to your partner, you will seem like a low-life with a low self worth. (If someone is always available, it can be said that he/she has nothing going on in their lives.. hence a loser) and no one really likes a loser.  

  17. You don't have to "play hard".

    You just have to be yourself ; )

  18. avaiulability turns guys off lol idk

  19. No, God No, guys don't like the dating game either we just always get stuck up in it, try being proactive and being the one calling guys, its a little unusual but guys love it when girls approach them, h**l make the first move when you are hanging out with a guy, he'll love you for it!

  20. No, I don't long as the girl is decent. With her looks and personality.

  21. Depends how old you are.

    If you and the boys are seventeen, it's probably a plus.

    Later on, playing hard to get (a little) is probably more attractive.

  22. guys want what they can't have. Play hard to get but not too hard.  trust me it works.    

    Answer some text messages.  When he calls don't answer and then call back a few hours later.   Don't call too much!! When i'm working on a guy i never call two nights in a row and never more the once in  day.  

  23. I'm the mysterious type and guys tend to get with me a lot so I guess they like it when you act like you don't care about them.  

  24. Just be yourself--that way when they like you, you will know that they like you for YOU....not what you are pretending to be.

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