
Does america hate england?

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Hi im English and i have a great respect for america, im thriteen and i want to know does america still hate england?

That is all. Thankyou,




  1. Only the press.

  2. I'm English, been living in the US for 6 years or so, but have never felt that people didn't like England (or the English). Most of the people I have met here that have been to the UK loved its history, architecture, culture etc, but were perhaps less enamoured with the service, restaurants and (oddly) breakfasts!

    The thing I find odd is that although you will here a lot of people here expressing their love of England and all things English, its very rare to find anyone that admits to being "English-Amercian" as you do find Irish-American, Italian-Amreican, Polish-American etc etc. I dont know why that is...

  3. Hun, I am an American living here b/c my husband is the service and I love your country and am honored to have such a privilage to visit such a beautiful country. As far as what some people still feel, I cant tell you, but there will always be people that still hate something, whether that was here or slavery or whatever else. So dont worry, the majority of Americans are not that cultured, but are nice to most everyone.

  4. I am American and I happen to Love the U.K. I have wanted to travel there ever since I was a little kid!

  5. No America does not hate England anymore

  6. I am English and i think that most Americans like us Brits very much as we like them , both countrys are great friends and this has gone back many many years.

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