
Does american citizen need a visa to go to europe?

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Does american citizen need a visa to go to europe?




  1. Haha, although I appreciate answer #1...

    This depends on 1.  your reason for visiting and 2. length of your visit.  United States and most European countries have Visa Waiver Programmes for tourists.  Which means you can enter/exit on your passport alone for touristy business.  If you plan on working/studying or staying longer than 60 days or so, be prepared to apply for a Visa.

    For specific countries, I would visit their Immigration's website for details.

    Hope this is helpful!

  2. Depends on the purpose of your visit and to which countries in Europe you wish to travel to.

    If your purpose is just for tourism then the United Kingdom, Ireland and the countries under the Schengen Agreement do not require that U.S. citizens have a visa to enter.

    If you want to go for any other reason than tourism then you will require a visa regardless of the country. If you want to visit a country outside of the Schengen Zone then you will have to find the website for that countries' embassy/consulate and research the information yourself.

    The length of time you are allowed to stay does vary between countries. Some allow a stay of 30 days, 60 days, 90 days and in the case of the U.K. a stay of 180 days.

    Below is the website for the U.S. Department of State, click on the country you wish to visit and scroll down to the "Entry/Exit" requirements - this will tell you what you need.

  3. Visa card is needed by an American to go to Europe for tourism purposes since most countries do not require an American to have a visa.

  4. Basically you need to check with the country you intend to visit. Requirements vary from country to country. Normally an American who travels to an EU country can obtain a visa stamped in their passport upon arrival to their destination (often to stay up to six months). Just make sure you know the requirements before you purchase the ticket, so you can sort out the visa first.

  5. No..a MasterCard or American Express will work just as well as Visa.

  6. not for tourism,  you do not need a visa to visit, it is 90 days maximum,your passport must have enough time left on the validity, at least 6 months....

    the US and many countries in Europe, are in the visa waiver program,

    here are the countries in the visa waiver program with the US:

    Andorra Iceland Norway

    Australia Ireland Portugal

    Austria Italy San Marino

    Belgium Japan Singapore

    Brunei Liechtenstein Slovenia

    Denmark Luxembourg Spain

    Finland Monaco Sweden

    France the Netherlands Switzerland

    Germany New Zealand United Kingdom

    if it is another country on your list? come back here and add it to your question.

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