
Does an IQ change over time?

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When I was 10, I took an IQ test, and the result was 160. I am now 15, and I would like to know if IQ scores can change dramatically, and if so, in what direction. I heard that they could raise slightly, but I'm not sure.




  1. IQ is intelligence quotient. It is a fraction calculated by taking your mental age and dividing it by your actual age. It is skewered and favorably biased towards young kids, and unfavorable biased towards the old.

    Modern IQ tests actually vary in the way they calculate their scores, ranging from the original method factoring in young/old ages, derivation, etc

    If you take a test resembling the original IQ test, you score would probably go down as you get older. Whether this is because of the scoring system or because you're falling behind in learned and natural intelligence is up to you.

  2. IQ tests are very reliable (meaning they don't change much) It also depends on what version IQ you are taking. If you took an IQ test on the internet, I don't think the score means much.

  3. Depending on whether the test was specifically designed for children or not, your iq may be significantly greater  now than what it was measured to be when you were 10 years old .  This is because many of the questions on an iq test designed for adults will include verbal reasoning sections that may be culturally biased, and as a 10 year old you would not be able to use intelligence to "reason out" those answers.  As you get older however, you will learn this knowledge and perform better on the test as your vocab increases through schooling.  Furthermore logical faculties in the brain mature during one's teenage years and can be very useful in answering questions in an iq test requiring pattern recognition or mathematical intuition.

  4. IQs are useful to a point.  Cultural and linguistic differences affect IQ.  As well, economic status.  Some people are naturally smarter than others.  I am good at writing and not bad to pretty good at drawing and painting.  Like a whiz at psychology, religion, history, etc.  Math, no good except accounting.  I think tests on personal abilities are better than IQ tests.

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