
Does an Indian Male have a chance to become a TV newscaster?

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I would love to try and one day become a newscaster or major reporter for a US TV station. But there are a few concerns- Do you think the image of an Indian male could be respected or trusted by the general public to bring their news. [do you know what I mean?]

There's Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a neurosurgeon who does Medical News for CNN- but that might just be to feed the Indian doctor stereotype...




  1. yes, but how is your accent ?

    if you can speak well and do well in front of cameras then you should be able to have a shot.

    good luck !

  2. Raj Mathai does sports in the Bay Area.   I can't remember which channel, but it is one of the 3 main networks.

  3. of course there can be an indian. this is silly, when they hire, they don't look at the race, but how good you are and if you are understandable. there is an indian girl reporter, sandy. but i don't remember any males but i think that's cuz all the indian parents in america want their kids to be doctors, engineers, or businessmen.

  4. just as big of a chance as anybody else!!

    Good Luck!!

  5. I'm not Indian, but I think it would be great having a well-known Indian newscaster. Surely, you will have a difficult road ahead if you choose to do so, but all trail-blazers do.

    The best of luck to you.

  6. dont want to be the bad guy but i dont think they want to laugh while hearing about death and accident bro, while watching the news

  7. we have one in the uk so why not here good luck

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