
Does an adapter consume electricity if switched on but not connected to a mobile phone?

by  |  earlier

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If an adapter is plugged in and switched on, without a mobile/appliance (printer/laptop...etc) connected, does it consume the same amount of electricity as it would have it was connected to a laptop or charging a phone?




  1. anytime a power point is switched on it costs u electricity (but not as much as if it was running)

  2. YES indeed it consumes a small amount of current. Vary from one watts to 5 watts. Power adaptor always in standby when you plug it into the power source. It shall not shut it off completely.

  3. It will not consume the same amount as if it were connected to something, but it will still consume a bit.

    The older, heavier linear adapters have a big iron-cored transformer inside and a rectifier circuit, which is running all the time the thing is plugged into the wall. It's normally running at under a watt just sitting there idling though.

    However, the newer, lighter, switch-mode power supplies consume much less power when not being used due to their construction. They can normally shut themselves down partially when not under load.

  4. Good Question

    initially i had the same Doubt when i was YOung

    let me Explain it to u

    the thing is that

    when the adapter is not connected to the mobile phone the adapter does not consume power since it's open CIRCUITED

    there fore i wont consume power but i'll consume power in form of LIGHT LED thats negligible

  5. yes it does

  6. it definitely does, just get a switch put in a convenient place for you to use, it'll save a fair bit of money in the long run

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