
Does an airplane use different fuel than cars?

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it probablly does right? I least a lot more gas than a car!




  1. they use a very high grade of diesel

  2. wow...of course it's different fuel!!!!

  3. Jet use high grade kerosene.  Piston engine planes use high grade leaded gasoline.  Your typical jumbo jet with a full load has about the same fuel ecconomy as if all the people on it drove the distance two people to a car.

  4. Jet fuel is clear to straw colored. The most common fuel is an unleaded/paraffin (kerosene) oil-based fuel classified as Jet A-1 (otherwise known as AVTUR), which is produced to an internationally standardized set of specifications.

    The only other jet fuel that is commonly used in civilian turbine engine-powered aviation is called Jet B, a fuel in the naphtha-kerosene region that is used for its enhanced cold-weather performance. However, Jet B's lighter composition makes it more dangerous to handle, and it is thus restricted only to areas where its cold-weather characteristics are absolutely necessary.

    So the answer to your question is Yes, it is different.

  5. I thought they used like diesel or something...

  6. It uses diesel. and that costs sooooo much now that they're charging to pack your luggage.

  7. yep, they use jet fuel, its goes by numbers, but it's basically kerosine

  8. I think its JP5 or JET-A1

  9. that depends on the engine in the airplane. if you are talking about gasoline powered piston engined airplanes, they use the same gasoline that cars use, but the additives are different, especially the ones that enhance the octane rating. also gasoline for airplanes is a leaded fuel, though that is changing.

    if you are talking about diesel powered piston engined airplanes(yes there are a couple) or jet powered airplanes as compared to diesel powered cars and trucks, again the fuels are similar. kerosene, diesel, and the various jet fuels are the same base, and are interchangeable in a pinch. again though the additives are different, as is the level of refining.

    one more thing, understand that using fuel from the local airport in your car is illegal because there are no road taxes paid on airplane fuels.

  10. Small planes like Cessna's use 100 octane unleaded while planes such as the airlines use take jet fuel which is a blended kerosene.

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