
Does an e-brake slide hurt your car that bad?

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My friend thinks that it will totally kill your car while I say that it is only bad for your tires and and is the equivalent of locking up your rear tires in a car without abs. Now we both have enough money to pay for new tires and what-not so I go ahead and have fun doing them, yet he doesn't because he thinks his car will fall apart as a result of one. Now if you can, please tell me who is right. Should I stop having fun because it is actually worse for your car than tires and breaks or should I tell my friend to stop worrying so much and just have fun. By the way both of us need new tires soon so its not a worry about how much our tires wear at all.




  1. the day you slam into someone's property and have to replace/repair it for them you'll learn what it will do.   hopefully you don't kill somebody doing.  If you want kill yourself don't take any innocent people with you.

  2. The tires will wear hard for the time of drift

    Wears your brake hard

    But if you are not doing them too constant u will not have to replace them that often(tires and brakes)

  3. to tell you the truth im not sure, but thats like the main method to drift so its not like nobody does it.

    my friends do it a lot too and they only seem to be concerned about tires. they never even mention that it is messing up their cars. i'd say go for it.

  4. by e-break do you per chance mean emergency break?

    Is that the ghettonese term?

  5. It isn't but I would not abuse my car that way and you are causing unnecessary wear and tear on a vital part of your car.

  6. When you do that, it places forces on the suspension, etc. that weren't designed for as a regular activity.

    I've seen shackles break and entire rear-ends come out from under the car - sideways. I've seen suspension springs and mountings break. I've seen rims broken; lug-nuts stripped; lug nuts literally pulled-through a rim - all from this activity.

    That was all under controlled conditions on a closed race-track at limited speeds (under 25 mph).

    You can also hit a pot-hole or a badly-done patch, or drop just one wheel off roadway, and at speeds under 30 mph still roll the vehicle. At speeds approaching 45 mph the probability of rolling rises sharply.

    If you want to have this kind of "fun" get a sand-rail and a helment and go off-road, carefully.

  7. Tires and brake parts. But who cares? It's a blast-isn't?

  8. well, it shouldn't kill your whole car, but it might damage your e-brake.

    And, if you loose control (which can happen pretty easily) you'll be fixing alot more than tires and brakes!

  9. You can damage the rotors or drums, wheel cylinders, e-brake assembly and or cable and even the wheel bearings as well.

  10. Your friend is actually right, it is not totally good for your car, hence your tires are not indipendently functioned; it is also linked to other parts that could cause damage.

    Ie. tire => break => breaking disc => Axels => Suspension => etc...  and this is only a small part of going backwards.

    I am not saying having a slide or two will kill your car, but in the long run, it does cause damage.  

    so, your friend is right.  if there is nothing wrong with it, we will all installing the Ebreak (it is not that expensive) and having fun on the street.

    just drive it from A to B will keep your wallet full.

  11. In my opinion it is not good it can do damage to the brakes tires and to the drive train itself and in some cases if you get caught its a wreckless driving ticket. hope this helps.

  12. Well we have people do that around here--seems silly--but they are not my kids and the cars do not belong to me. I know we have roll overs from unexpected tire grab that flips the car on its side or over completely. Not exactly good for the body and roof of the vehicle. It can stretch the cable but I guess if you can afford tires--you can afford a cable change too. I was wondering--are you bored?? I guess my job is secure as long as people just continue to do what you guys do. The cops here write it up as reckless driving--the points will eventually lead to license revoking and higher insurance rates--OH yes--you seem to have money--forget I mentioned that. Well, good luck.

  13. video tape it and put it on here

  14. if u are doing it on pavement then ya, cuz one day u will crash, and it is hard on the shocks, tires, brakes, structural integrity

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