
Does an electric vehicle produce pollution??

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Does an electric vehicle produce pollution when operated, does producing the fuel for it produce pollution???




  1. Little or no pollution when operated. Quite a bit to generate the electricity to charge the batteries.

  2. Every alternative fuel option on the table produces some pollution. Electric vehicles produce the least, because of the extremely high efficiency of electric power transmission and utilization.


    Gas engines are less that 25% efficient, much less so in city driving. By contrast, electric motors are over 90% efficient, and transmitting energy by wire to charge EVs (the electric grid is 95% efficient) is far more efficient than trucking gas to thousands of service stations. Fuel also burns much more efficiently in large plants (up to 85% efficient) than it does in a gasoline engine.


    Also, newer EV battery designs are not environmental hazards, have very long lives, and are 100% recyclable.


  3. And then u have the batteries and acids . Yes charging the batteries ,the electricity comes from a plant that possible produced CO2. Of coarse we know3 that CO2 is not a pollutant as GOD put plants here and they need the CO2 as much as we need oxygen.

  4. Hmmm....yes and no.

    There are different models of electric cars, and many different models which cover different types of alternate fuel.

    All of them create a byproduct or discharge, whether or not that is "pollution" is up for debate.  Most importantly, even if a new machine does produce the same Carbon Monoxide emmissions as traditional "pollution", its the amount it makes that we should look at.

    Most electric cars available to the public today are hybrids, and do still burn some gas, and therefore make some pollution.  A 100% solar powered car uses its solar energy to create motion through an engine.  A purely electric engine would not give off a polutant by-product, however, if you consider that the electrical plant at the other end of the recharging wire does produce polutants, we've come to a bad circle.

    Hydrogen powered engines produce clean water as a by-product, which, in turn can be put through electrolosis to produce more hydrogen to power the cars.  And how much pollution does electrolosis make?  Well, it depends on where the power for that machine comes from.

  5. Yes and no.

    The vehicle itself produces no pollution when running.  However, it must be charged with electricity, presumably from a power plant.  If that power plant is nuclear, solar, wind or hydro, it's essentially emission free.  If the power plant is coal, natural gas, etc.  Then it has emissions.

    Even if it's a coal plant, odds are the electric vehicle will be cleaner, even including the power plant emissions, than a comparable gasoline vehicle, when you consider the pollution and energy used to create and move the gasoline around.

  6. It all depends on where the electricity is coming from. If it is coming from solar or wind power, then it is virtually pollution-free.

  7. While an electric vehicle doesn't produce pollution while being driven, if the electricity is generated from fossil fuel, the pollution

    could be significant. Another problem is battery disposal when it needs to be replaced.

  8. It does in many ways.

    1.The batteries in the car are very polluteing to make and to disposed of when they are worn out.

    The zinc and the lead Has been a Major problem for years.

    2.Ozone is made when the electric motor is running.

    3.The biggest part is how the car is charged and were the electricity is made.

    It can be said that a small electric car will pollut more than a Hummer over it life time.

  9. directly-no

    indirectly-yes, although an electric vehicle produces less carbon dioxide for the same range that a conventional automobile will produce

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