
Does an employer have the right to change the rate paid for overtime when the overtime has already been worked

by  |  earlier

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the employer did not consult with the staff and has just decided to pay them single time instead of time and a half and all staff have worked every weekend and late at night for the last three month.




  1. A deal is a deal, if the rate was set thats the rate they should pay, you may wish to suggest if you accept the lower wage then time off later could be a solution.

  2. OT pay is not a right, it is a bonus.  

    If you're a union shop and/or have a contract then you should be protected but you'd need to check your contract.

    If you're not union, they can dis-continue paying extra for OT any time they want.

  3. I sure hope you have a contract of employment. If you have one of those, you have yourself a case. If you do not have a contract (why does anyone EVER work without one ??) you're screwed.

    Find a better employer.

  4. do you have it in writing that he would pay extra for overtime? not all places do you know.

  5. Look at your contract.... You do have one i hope!

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