
Does an employer have to pay taxes if they have no employees?

by  |  earlier

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If it is just me and my candy shop business in Las Vegas

What taxes do I have to pay?

Please keep the answer easy to understand lol





  1. You have to file your taxes, yes.   But if you have no employees, you pay no employer taxes.

  2. yes..on any profits you dont need people working for you..the government will make sure they get their share...and you will have to file quarterly if i am not a tax service..they will help you..they did me..

  3. Self employment tax (for social security and medicare) - that will total about 14% of your net income

    Income tax - federal, and possibly state and/or local

    Possibly other taxes depending on where you are located

  4. You would have to collect and pay sales taxes.

    You would pay Federal Income Taxes on your net income.

    Nevada also has some annual business license taxes that need to be paid.

    If your store is a corporation, it would have to pay payroll taxes on your salary.

    See an accountant before you get in too deep.

  5. You R not required to pay EMPLOYMENT taxes with NO employees... But you must pay other taxes.  If you are in business you should have an accountant or a tax attorney.  You had better find out.. Call your county offices they will help you.  Each State and each city has varied statutes.

  6. Yes. You pay taxes to federal and state. On the state level you pay sales tax (remit the tax the customer's paid) and tax on your earnings. Federally, you pay tax on your earnings and on social security, and medicare. You have to remit these estimates quarterly or you may end up paying fines and fees. Look at the link below to IRS Publication 583 and it will point you in the right direction.

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