
Does an eyebrow piercing suit me??

by  |  earlier

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Okayy, I seriously want my eyebrow pierced. However, my Mom won't let me because she doesn't like the way it looks (I don't care though)

So, I was just wondering how you think I would look with my eyebrow pierced

(Like, how would it look with my facial structure?)

And maybe some tips on convincing my Mother to let me?

I have asked all my friends and they really know me, and they think it would surely suit my personality.

And in the pictures, I don't really dress like that a lot... I wear more dark clothes and skinny jeans now ;P

**Please no comments that eyebrow piercings are ugly/gross or anything like that because I like them so much!!**

Here I am:

--If anyone wants to see other pictures to judge me, feel free to ask, I have plenty.




  1. It would look a little strange because you have such thin eyebrows, but not terrible.

  2. The pictures dont work

    but i think it would be very painful and tbh it is more different not to have a piercing no a days so many people have them, it is actually well .. .kinda sad!

  3. try snake bites instead that would look awsome eyebrow not so much beacuse your eyebrows are very thin  

  4. Honestly I think that if you got an eyebrow piercing you would look incredably scummy.

    Just my opinion but you have a kind of sweet face and you look really skinny. But girls that look like you with eyebrow piercings kind of make you think scummy and/or depressed and cuts your wrist.

  5. The page shows, "PAGE NOT FOUND"

    But I have an eyebrow piercing and I LOOOVE it. just make sure you wax your eyebrows or something before and that it's centered, not to much of the barbell on top or on bottom. Start with a more neutral color like gold or silver. I dont think it really matters on facial structure. Body piercings are totally hot. And in contrast with the comment above mine, my piercing didnt hurt at all, just after it was a bit sore. Just beware that some bodies do reject the piercing.

  6. the links don't work. but i'll answer any way, if your mother does eventually allow you to get your brow pierced, then no mater what others say, you should get it, because you want to. if you go on people saying it won't suit you or brow piercings are gross or whatever, i fear you may end up regretting not having it done. because lets face it, there is a certain age for this kind of thing, a 40 year old with a pierced brow? yeah that's pretty bad.

    in short, i don't want you regretting anything, if you do get pierced and end up not liking it, you can always take it off.

    edit: o/k now they work :), looks like it will suit you if you get it near the end of your brow.

  7. hey girl! i think it would look super cute. you have amazing eyelashes btw!!

  8. yeah, it would look gd ;]

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