
Does an illlegal alien have to pay child support if him his wife and children are Illegal Aliens?

by Guest58848  |  earlier

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The wife has a lover who hired a lawyerd and obtained a divorce with out him knowing. In additiocn, he was order by the court to order a child support amount he cannot afford. Even if he goest back to his country, he does not mine paying child support, however, he wants to know if he has to pay here or in his country. Can the divorce be legal even if they did not get marry in this country? and is the amount stated on his divorced papers binding since he cannot afford that amount? Please No rude comments, I hardly know this person but I am the only person that can help at this time. I am doing this becuase of his children.




  1. I believe the divirce has to take place in the country where the marrieage did. If they don't go there personally, they at least have to get it approved by the court in that State/Country.

    As far as child support is concerned... I'm assuiming that if he is illegal he is working illigally. It would be difficult if not impossible to garnish wages fom someone with a fake social security #.

    I think he should hire a lawyer or speak to someone at legal aid.

  2. He's ordered he has to pay. If he doesn't the worst they'll do is lock him up and maybe deport him. Tell him to send some money even if it's not the required amount. Then the'll give him another hearing and he can contest the amount.

  3. Well, ET had no wife, at least none that we know of

    The Alien devoured people, no wife either

    Superman has never married. Maybe today with the g*y marriages he will  

  4. Do you think he really cares if he is ordered to pay? He obviously has no respect for our immigration laws, why do you think he would follow a child support order?

    What do you mean he wants to know "if he has to pay here or in his country"? Even if he "can't afford the required amount", he should pay every PENNY possible.

    He SHOULD PAY NO MATTER WHERE HE IS!!!! It's his g*d*mn kids!!!!


    LOL...a "thumbs down" I guess you don't think a father should pay to support his kids!!!! Are you offering to raise them then?? What a rocket scientist!!!!

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