
Does an office have the right to charge me for an appt that was cancelled more than 24 hours before the appt?

by  |  earlier

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I have made an appt. because I was pressured into doing so. At the time I made the appointment I specifically asked if it was possible to cancel and the guy indicated yes. But on the form it says that you will be charged even if you tell them prior to 24 hours. How can that be legal for an office to charge you when you are informing them well before your appointment that you cannot make it? I thought, through normal processes, that you had up to 3 days to typically cancel an appointment or service without incurring charges.

I don't wish to pay these people the 25.00 because I got tricked into making an appointment. I don't think it is fair at all.

If anyone has any advice, please drop me a response.

Also, one other thing I wanted to note. The people did not request any form of ID, no insurance card, nothing. How will they be able to bill me without this sort of information? There is no proof that I am the one who committed to this appointment without any identification.




  1. Have you even been asked to pay the $25?  You are not a patient yet since you did not go to the initial consulation.  If they do not have your information, how do you think they can charge you?  i would just forget it - if they try to charge you, just say you are not a patient and won't pay.

    As to their policy - the office can state whatever policy they want to as they are a private business.

  2. Appointment for what?  Have you had any business/contact with company?  Posting lacks info. . . . can't fully advise. .. .

    You need to READ everything you sign. IF YOU signed a contract that says they can charge you $25, then it's legal BECAUSE you signed it.

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