
Does an unpaid house phone bill cause this?

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okay so im trying to call my friend and EVERYTIME i call the phone is busy, so i was just wondering, if his parents didnt pay the company would that happen?




  1. No, you would get a recording saying the number is not in service. maybe they know your calling and are leaving the phone off the hook??

  2. possibly but their could be other reasons too, they could of pulled the phone cord out of the wall or didnt hang up properly from last call.

  3. I know there is service that Bell provides where you can block of certain number.  So if someone calls from the "blocked" number the caller hears a busy signal..

    Check if your number has been blocked by your friend.. or if you are calling as "private" "no ID" number

  4. no the line is not disconnected, there is probably a trouble on the line...

    a short or ROH on the line..

  5. I am with Telstra for land line service in Australia. Once we had our service disconnected, the message we received was "The number you have dialed is not available from this service, please contact Telstra on x*x-x*x-xxxxx"

    So I would say you would be getting a similar message if it was disconnected. Try calling another number.

  6. pretty sure; this happened to my family...(MOM!!!)

  7. it would say this # out of service,  most likley the phone is off the hook

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