
Does an xbox 360 that i have brought from a pawn shop still have any warranty? it has ring of death?

by  |  earlier

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i have an xbox 360 that i got from a pawn shop that has the 3 rings and i''d like to know if there is anything i can do even down to salvaging some money from it.




  1. microsoft put an extended warranty for the 3 ring of death problem. If you call microsoft 18004MYXBOX they will send you a box in the mail to send your xbox in to microsoft and they will fix it for free. it takes about a month, but your pawned xbox will be as good as new

  2. You can send it in, if you just say when they ask you "it was bought by john in eb games" just say yes.

  3. if your xbox isn't registered yet go and register it and yes it should be fine (not too sure if they ask for receipts though)

    and if you do have the receipt that's awesome too, so long as the console's original purchase date isn't more then 3 years from today your fine for the RRoD problem.

    but generally it all goes by the registration date of the xbox itself and its manufacture date which is also apart of its serial number.

  4. go to there u can enter the serial code, or call 1-800-4MY-XBOX. there u can see if its still under warranty or send it in to be fixed.  

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