
Does anemia cause this?

by  |  earlier

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My doctor said I have a small iron deficiency anemia. He gave me Ferrous 350mg. Told me to come back in "2" months um. Thing is I feel sick today, now i have a fever. I urinate more and it stinks very bad not like normal urine. It is very offensive, i was on amoxicillin antibiotics. I finished course then he diagnosed me with small anemia. But i want to excuse me "vomit" right now about few weeks later. Myfollowup appointment is sept 22 (I think i'll last long enough hopefully med kicks in but i been on them like 3 weeks). Does small anemia or anemia at all causes fever ? and nausea? I feel lightheaded but not critical, i can withstand it all but I'm curious for something small. Why do I feel so terrible and like my body hurts everywhere? I actually feel burning sensation too. I need showers often recently not to smell bad down their. I feel like i'm discharging something that has no color and smells bad. I know it is not semin, but you get the idea.... It is like a strong smell like something rottening. No jokes, i'm not rotting I just want some opinions for now before i go to doc again. Thanks.




  1. There is nothing about iron deficit that will cause what you're experiencing.  It sounds as if you've developed an urinary tract infection since you last saw your physician.  You need to be seen in  clinic within the next 24 hours.  If you can't get in to see your regular physician that soon, go to the nearest urgent care clinic or hospital emergency room.  What's troubling you could be life-threatening.

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